[WIP] Any French speaking user around ?

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Hi all !

I’m working on a French translation of AnsPress (about 70% done) and I would like some opinions and advices. Any person with some French skills (native or not) are welcome to give their opinion. 😀 Here is a first set of questions:
Flag / Report: I first translated “Flag” to “Signaler” (it’s mainly used as a verb) but “Report” is also used in Asnpress. Should I just use “Signaler” for everything? Any other idea for “Flag”?
Slug: any idea how to translate that in French?? If I use “permalien” (permalink in English), it gets confusing for the user.
Follow/Following/Follower: should I just go for the Twitter version “Abonnés”/”Abonnements” ? It doesn’t feel quite right though… any suggestions?

That’s it for now! Thanks in advance!

Have you managed to make a good french file ?



I have just installed my Anspress theme and I would like to add the French language file.

Would you please let me know how I can get it install in Anspress.

Thanks in advance.


commented on answer

Hi @Ahmed ! I have a valid file with French language but there has been some changes regarding the translation process since version 3.0.3 of the plugin and even though French version is there, translation is not fully applied. I’m still using 3.0.2 on my live site but I’ll try to investigate that a bit further…

Hi Fred,

Thanks for you the reply.
Would you please give the link to download it. I may try to work on it too as my second language is French.

You can get the file directly from Translate WordPress : https://translate.wordpress.org/projects/wp-plugins/anspress-question-answer/dev/fr/default
Use the “Export” tool just under the translated strings and legend. 😉


Parfois le traducteur français a préféré écrire des phrase entières avec des liens comme quand on doit se connecter pour poster. Là, pas de soucis.

Mais parfois il y a une variable du type “%d Questions” et la traduction devient “Toutes les questions” ou un truc du genre. C’est assez souvent.

Il y a aussi des erreurs de frappes quand le gars tape trop vite une traduction sans vérifier.

Sinon globalement c’est assez propre ! 🙂


Les français sont toujours là ?

Je voulais avoir une précision sur le fameux “flag”. C’est pour signaler un contenu inapproprié c’est ça ?

Il y a de nombreuses erreurs de traductions dans la version française, c’est assez pénible à retraduire :/

Coucou Azman ! J’ai vu qu’un vf avait été ajoutée au plugin. Je vais voir ce qu’elle donne et éventuellement la modifier en prenant certains éléments de ma trad. 😉


Hi Fred,

I don’t know if you found the best translation.

In fact what is the difference between Flag and report ?

– For flag, I would say “Abus” or “Spam”

– For report, I would say “Signaler” or “Signaler un contenu inapproprié”.

For slug, it is “Identifiant”.

And for follow, it is “Suivre”

Following : Abonnements

Follower : Abonnés



Hi BS,

Thanks for you follow up! The French translation used now in Anspress is not mine. I’m going to check it out and maybe do some updates. 😉 For “Report”, I’m already using your suggestion but your “Flag” translation is great! “Slug” refers to the url so I don’t think “Identifiant” is a good match.

Thanks again!