How to display questions from certain category?
I understand I can go to the category page:
But, how can I insert the questions from a given category onto another page template I am building? Also I would like to be able to submit a question at the bottom of this page and have it automatically submit to that category if possible without modification…
Hi void33!
If I may add, you should definitely look into the solution Rahul just talked about. I had the same question as you before but, in the end, the AnsPress Post Discussion Widget is a pretty solid alternative if you insert it in your template. With this widget, any questions asked that way becomes a child of the page/post it has been created into.
Don’t hesitate if you have any other questions related to that particular point : I’m already using this solution and will be glad to help if I can. 😀

That works, but it would be nice to have an “Add Question” quick form right below all of the questions.
Also I would like to programmatically show a discussion depending on a querystring in the URL rather than just being based on the page name- I can program that all myself as long as there is a way to load a discussion based on some sort of ID. It sounds like the new feature Rahul is working on will provide for this. (Correct me if I am mistaken).

That would definitely gives more flexibility. 😀
yes, I am making a class by using that class you can get questions and answer like WP_Query.

Great! Thanks Rahul, I am going to push my organization to see if we can get some donations together for you, you have been very helpful to us!
I am obviously in no position to start making demands haha, =P- but I am just curious as to when we can expect the new class to be integrated?

Why is this widget not available anymore?
Great, I’ll give that a shot, thanks Fred!