How can I add more ap-category-icon (Icon for Categories)?
How can I add more ap-category-icon (Icon for Categories)?
How and where?

Hello @Rahul, I have tried hard to find a way around this issue but I do not know how to achieve it.
Where and how can I add my own custom ap-category-icon? So they are available to be assigned to my anspress categories, PLEASE HELP WITH THIS!!!!
Interestingly, I just came across this article How to Assign Icons, Images, and Colors to Categories and Tags in The WordPress Backend by Jeff Chandler, which explains how you can do it if you DON’T have AnsPress/AskBug installed.
Apparently it requires three or four separate plugins, depending on your WordPress version.
Hi terence,
I do appreciate your help, but I still have the same problem, as I need the solution por AnsPress /AskBug

I’m obviously not understanding you then. Can you explain the problem a little differently?
good question, i was gonna ask this soon
but i haven’t done any reading on how icons work though