Can’t install BuddyPress

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I’m using the latest version of AnsPress, AnswerBox Theme, and BuddyPress. I go to install BuddyPress and get this error:

Fatal error: Class ‘BP_XProfile_Field_Type’ not found in … / plugins/buddypress-xprofile-custom-fields-type/classes/Bxcft_Field_Type_Birthdate.php on line 8

I tried installing the buddypress xprofile plugin but get the same result (that’s why the path isn’t going to the theme dir ^).


Please enable BuddyPress profile, activity and notification before activating BuddyPress.

Had to disable AnswerBox, then activate BuddyPress. Then re-activate AnswerBox theme.

How to enable buddypress activity and notification?

Those are options in the buddypress settings menu. If you are getting that error and cannot access your website, rename the plugin folder to buddypress1, then back to buddypress. If you want buddypress to work you should disable the AnswerBox theme if you have it enabled, enable buddypress, and finally enable AnswerBox again.

It doesnt work, i went from askbug to 2014 theme and it still corrupts

i even disabled anspress then tried to activate, they are not compatible

any other strategy?

@Tarrence I don’t think this is issue related with Anspress or theme. What error do you get?

Oh then you need more memory in your hosting account. Ask your hosting provider.

It’s not memory it’s the plugin


It’s not memory I have enough