How can I add more ap-category-icon (Icon for Categories)?

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How can I add more ap-category-icon (Icon for Categories)?

How and where?

good question, i was gonna ask this soon
but i haven’t done any reading on how icons work though

Hello @Rahul, I have tried hard to find a way around this issue but I do not know how to achieve it.
Where and how can I add my own custom ap-category-icon? So they are available to be assigned to my anspress categories, PLEASE HELP WITH THIS!!!!


Dear all,

I see that someone can’t set icon for category, so today I will guide you to do it:

If you used class in category but it’s still not display, please copy this code below and paste to header.php of current theme (after <header> tag):

<link rel="stylesheet" href="" />

And for more information, please come here (Vietnamese):



For set category icon, go to:

Admin page > Anspress > Category –> creat a new category, fill class at Category icon class field: fa fa-xxx (xxx: icon name)

– Example for 2 classes I tested: fa fa-car and fa fa-bicycle

– List of icon, refer to:

– Note: This icon come from FontAwesome. So if you don’t see icon, it mean the theme didn’t support.

– To fix theme, please contact@rahularyan or someone to support to add suitable class into style.css of theme.


commented on answer

Mình cũng không add được, bạn có thêm gì vào không? nó không hiện icon class ra. Hướng dẫn mình khắc phục với @gakho.

Đọc khúc cuối đi, tui nói là tùy themes. Thử một vài themes, thấy cái nào được thì lấy file style.css ra nghiên cứu.


@Terence  –  You give me class library category icon? I do not, thank you,

commented on answer

Pls help me, i do not, i use Font Awesome but did not show icon class in categoryies. I try same “fa fa-iconname”. Help me. thanks


Interestingly, I just came across this article How to Assign Icons, Images, and Colors to Categories and Tags in The WordPress Backend by Jeff Chandler, which explains how you can do it if you DON’T have AnsPress/AskBug installed.

Apparently it requires three or four separate plugins, depending on your WordPress version.

Hi terence,
I do appreciate your help, but I still have the same problem, as I need the solution por AnsPress /AskBug

I’m obviously not understanding you then. Can you explain the problem a little differently?


Simply go to AnsPress > Category and add as many as you want, together with the icon or upload an image you want to associate with the new category.

Your problem is not how to create more categories, but how to show and select them.

Take for example the attached category page.

I have created 17 categories, but I can show/select them all in the Category page, and the drop-down menu item in the header.

However, the Categories widget in the sidebar only has the facility for an ordered list, so if you have a lot of Categories, its going to make a very long page indeed.

It would be far better if the categories widget had a tabbed list or even if there was a Category shortcode we could use in a tabbed widget.

You can use the AnsPress Category interface to add images or an icon to any category.

Personally, I always use the GlyphSearch system to select the appropriate image at ~©=class ~ by setting the search parameters to “Font Awesome” and selecting the appropriate “Class”.

Adding Your Own Images

If you want to use your own images as Category icons, first add them to the Medial Library, in the normal way, and then use the link at

Upload image
Category image

to select the image you want to use as the “icon” for the Category.

Hello @Terence, I know how to create categories and where and how to add and image or icon in a category.
My question is to do with, How and where to add new “cotegory icons”? I want to add my own custom icons, related to my specific categories, but I do not know how and where to add them so they are available to be selected in a specific category.
In fact I do not even know what icons come as defect in anspress…

@JSousa ~ OK, let me stop you there. You only think you “know now how to create categories and where and how to add and image or icon in a category”, in fact, you have missed the bit where you add the icon. Its on the same page at the bottom. I have now added it to the above and amended the description.

Hello @Terence, I do know where to add an icon to a category. What I need to know it where and how to add my own icons designs to anspress, so they are available to be assigned to a category.

@JSousa ~ I added another section to the how-to, about using your own images.

Hello @Terence, your last added suggestion to upload the icon as an image in the image field. But I have done that already. The thing is, I want to use icons but I want my own no they ones than come with Asspress/AskBug.

@JSousa ~ see the bit up there where it says “Adding Your Own Images”? What is it that you don’t understand or that doesn’t work for you?