How to manage category order?

5.80K viewsGeneralcategory order

I have a lot of categories. How can I manage the order they display and/or reorder them?
I have the popular “Category Order and Taxomony Terms Order” plugin installed, but it does not recognize AnsPress categories?
Right now the categories only display in the order they where created…
With thanks, Scott

Answered question

Hi Rahul,
Where should I add the above code you provided?
With thanks, Scott

Answered question

Hello Scott,
AnsPress adds its own order by and order. To use your plugins order simply add this:

add_filter( 'ap_categories_shortcode_args', function( $args ){
    unset( $args['order'] );
    unset( $args['orderby'] );
     return $args;

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Hi Rahul,
Add it to where?
I tried to add it to my functions.php and I got a fatal error