[update] AnsPress 2.3 roadmap – User profile and Realtime

15.39K viewsCoreroadmap

Completed Tasks

 [x] Show tags in user subscription page  (15-06-21 17:51)
 [x] Improve categories page  (15-06-22 10:46)
 [x] Tags page (15-06-21 14:08)
 [x] If answer is private do not notify others      (15-06-21 09:43)
 [x] Close question after selecting if option enabled.  (15-06-20 20:54)
 [x] Notification as dropdown  (15-06-20 20:45)
 [x] Redirect user to login page if non loggedin user try to visit profile  (15-06-20 17:39)
 [x] Error message on description field is overlapped by upload field  (15-06-20 16:30)
 [x] How to ask tab (15-06-20 16:11)
 [x] Add category and tags filter in question list (15-06-20 14:41)
 [x] Improve category widget (15-06-19 22:16)
 [x] Cutoff text error     (15-06-19 22:11)
 [x] Image upload size    (15-06-19 22:11)
 [x] add option to disable hover card    (15-06-19 17:02)
 [x] tags and category page show 404 if no posts    (15-06-19 16:17)
 [x] Add users widget    (15-06-19 16:07)
 [x] Add improved icons:    (15-06-19 12:47)
     [x] Question      (15-06-19 12:47)
     [x] Answer    (15-06-19 12:47)
     [x] upload    (15-06-19 12:47)
 [x] Paragraph in comments  (15-06-19 10:59)
 [x] Add [solved] in question title    (15-06-19 09:34)
 [x] User page show anonymous when permalink not enabled    (15-06-19 09:18)
 [x] Allow filtering page slug    (15-06-19 09:00)
 [x] Add basic capabilities to every role @high      (15-06-18 20:44)

[x] Add notification   (15-06-15 11:41)
     [x] Notification helper function    (15-06-15 11:41)
     [x] Add notification to menu    (15-06-15 11:41)
     [x] Add notification dropdown    (15-06-15 11:41)
     [x] Fixed breadcrumbs for user pages    (15-06-15 11:41)
 [x] The breadcrumb on the base page is duplicating  (15-06-15 11:41)
 [x] if recaptcha is enabled and keys missing then show warning  (15-06-15 11:41)
 [x] flush rewrite rule on activation  (15-06-15 11:41)
 [x] User dropdown menu item  (15-06-15 11:41)
 [x] Dont show question stats widget if not question page  (15-06-15 11:41)
 [x] default cover  (15-06-15 11:41)
 [x] User hover card  (15-06-15 11:41)
 [x] Added cover upload  (15-06-15 11:41)
 [x] Add subscribe page for user  (15-06-15 11:41)
 [x] Sort Unanswered/Unsolved by date  (15-06-15 11:41)
 [x] Add reputation page for user  (15-06-15 11:41)
 [x] Fix question sorting  (15-06-15 11:41)
 [x] Members search page  (15-06-15 11:41)
 [x] Add users search form  (15-06-15 11:41)
 [x] question sorting to dropdown  (15-06-15 11:41)
 [x] Improve user fields    (15-06-15 11:41)
 [x] Followers widget  (15-06-15 11:41)
 [x] Add followers and following page  (15-06-15 11:41)
 [x] Add followers system  (15-06-15 11:41)
 [x] Add more sorting option for users directory  (15-06-15 11:41)
 [x] Users page tab UI improvement  (15-06-15 11:41)
 [x] Avatar upload ajax error  (15-06-15 11:41)
 [x] User page title  (15-06-15 11:41)
 [x] Title conflict when wpseo plugin installed  (15-06-15 11:41)
 [x] Remove base from permalink when ap_page is base  (15-06-15 11:41)
 [x] Direct user link  (15-06-15 11:41)
 [x] Auto flush rewrite rule when base page update  (15-06-15 11:41)
 [x] include current users post in list  (15-06-15 11:41)
 [x] Show how to answer tab only if page selected  (15-06-15 11:41)
 [x] Safe CSS attributes  (15-06-15 11:41)
 [x] Ajax login on the same page without being redirected to another page for login & register.    (15-06-15 11:41)
 [x] conical and short link in head  (15-06-15 11:41)
 [x] Add Crayon Syntax Highlighter button  (15-06-15 11:41)
 [x] Add tinymce Autogrow  (15-06-15 11:41)
 [x] View counts updated for every page view  (15-06-15 11:41)
 [x] Strip shortcode from Answer and question  (15-06-15 11:41)
 [x] While try to edit answer or question format get cleared  (15-06-15 11:41)
 [x] Switch editors not working  (15-06-15 11:41)
 [x] Image upload not working  (15-06-15 11:41)
 [x] Add featured question (sticky post)  (15-06-15 11:41)
 [x] Improve subscribers system  (15-06-15 11:41)

 Remaining tasks:

 [ ] Responsive styles 
 [ ] Test with other theme  
 [ ] Test without extensions  
 [ ] Check in webkit browsers 
 [ ] Layer slider option not saving when AnsPress installed [ ] Check in webkit browsers

Wouldnt it be better, to place the “star” behind the title of the question, instead of completely left?

I think its look good there 🙂 BTW: you can easily customize it 🙂

It would be extremely interesting if you could choose to create a kind forum for budypress group, so budypress group would be linked to Anspress. And then unnecessary bbPress

Yes, will think about it 🙂

With the social share buttons, can you please make this optional as I am using a different solution and don’t want it to conflict. Thanks


New beta version released please check.

Is it possible to upgrade from WordPress bèta plugin to full release without data loss afterwards?

Don’t worry, no data will be erased

Thank you.
Installing the bèta now.


Allow filtering page slug   +1


Keep up the good work, Rahul!


Hi, Rahul all features would be useful.
Is there a timeline for this release ? When is it expected ?

Expected 15th of June


Can you add tagging users? It would be a perfect feature for such system 🙂


fix formatting for groups page

fix formatting for members page on IE

I think you are talking about AnswerBox. AnswerBox provide the minimal style, so you have to add rest of styles by yourself. BTW we are working on WP which have all features.

What do you mean you are working on WP? A new WP theme?

@Tarrence – Please provide a link to your site. need to see the demo of answerbox theme .


Exciting! Love this plugin already, will love it even more!

sory to have flag your post, there was just to make some test



Site activity and Notification system will work with Buddypress or it is the own function of Anspress? I mean will I get problems if I use Anspress and Buddypress together?

It will be added to AnsPress profile not BuddyPress.

I use Buddypress too. If I tranform to this system it means my data in Buddypres will be nothing?

You can use BuddyPress if you want, AnsPress have noting to do with your BP data. But AnsPress notification and activity will be shown in AnsPress user profile not BuddyPress

Hi Rahul, the reputation system is already partly working in BuddyPress so I hope it will be extended to work fully with BuddyPress registration and extendable.

Yes reputation system will be improved both for AnsPress profile and BuddyPress