2.3-beta2 released – try and let us know

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Download AnsPress 2.3-beta2

Download Categories for AnsPress 1.3.6-beta

Download Tags for AnsPress 1.2.8-beta

Download AnsPress email 1.0.1-beta

[x] Show tags in user subscription page
[x] Improve categories page
[x] Tags page
[x] If answer is private do not notify others
[x] Close question after selecting if option enabled
[x] Notification as dropdown
[x] Redirect user to login page if non loggedin user try to visit profile
[x] Error message on description field is overlapped by upload field
[x] How to ask tab
[x] Add category and tags filter in question list
[x] Improve category widget
[x] Cutoff text error
[x] Image upload size
[x] add option to disable hover card
[x] tags and category page show 404 if no posts
[x] Add users widget
[x] Add improved icons:
[x] Paragraph in comments
[x] Add [solved] in question title
[x] User page show anonymous when permalink not enabled
[x] Allow filtering page slug
[x] Add basic capabilities to every role


Question Help page option is not working.

If you click on ‘how to ask’ tab in the ask a question section, nothing shows up.


There is no Log out link in the User profile menu. It will be better to add it, I think it’s a little thing but important 🙂


Clicking on any user, will open up the profile page of the logged in user (and not of the one whose profile pic was clicked)

Test it here http://doubtclass.com

I will check

Issue solved. download from Github


Another strange behavior: all users have the same page as mine…

I have just come to see that whoever I choose among users, the link for the user-page always lead to the logged-in user’s one.

Hover card still so cool looking but linked are altered too.

I just checked, its shows proper URL in hover card.



If “question slug” is changed, then it does not redirect to questions, but displays error 404.


I think you are visiting old url (after changing slug, permalink is changed), refresh question list page and then click on any question.

No, i refresh and so on, but the links still go to “question slug” pages, giving 404 Error. Even when I try to enter the new direction manually, the browser changes it into “question slug” pages.

Also the “how to answer” page does not display correctly.

Fix has been pushed to github, download and check.


Download link for Tags is working. However I am getting the same trouble as categories filtering: Once you have filtered questions by a custom tag and want to show then “all tags” questions you do not get any results…

Please use git clone to download source as Github master.zip is not updated instantly.

I do not understand the comment. I get the latest version of tag plugin. I just wanted to point out that in the two step procedure, from questions page: 1) select a tag filter in the dropdown menu and then 2) select all tags, I get the following: “No question asked yet!, be the first to ask a question”. It leads to the same error while filtering by categories as pointed previously…

Now try download both extension.

Works well for categories filtering, however actions for tags are lost… No filtering anymore with tags.


Some troubles with new versions:

– cannot display user page: getting error 404

– cannot download new tag plugin link is broken

– filtering questions by category is cool however getting back to “All Categories” do not work, no questions is found in this category…

still other troubles from previous version:
– toggle fullscreen for answers is not working (“Uncaught ReferenceError: tinyMCE is not defined” @ anspress_site.min.js)
– titles of questions are not displayed (only base page title is shown)

– Save anspress option once.
– Link fixed
– That was a bug just pushed fix, download master branch. both tags and categories
can you give me link to your site ?

saving options do not correct the error 404…
I am modifying completely my website and so I only work locally for now… no web version for the moment

Trouble for user page display came from “User page slug” option that had exactly the same name as “Users page slug”. Setting them different values solved this issue…