Using “Search” for searching all questions displaying all results?

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When a website visitor is using “Search” for searching all questions, rather than displaying the results from their specific search the content below is just the list of all results.

Also, I see that Ans 4.1.5 is out, but WP repository doesn’t show that it isn’t available?

Answered question

Hi Rahul,
for themes like the one that florinb has, who have an option to include just “posts” in search, i think you need to add the post_type to your “loop_start” hook from qaquery_hooks.php .
so instead of
if ( $query->is_main_query() && $query->is_single() && ‘question’ === get_query_var( ‘post_type’ ) ) {
$query->posts[0]->post_content = ‘[anspress]’;
you should have
if ( $query->is_main_query() && $query->is_single() && ‘question’ === get_query_var( ‘post_type’ ) ) {
$query->posts[0]->post_content = ‘[anspress]’;
$query->posts[0]->post_type = ‘post’;
this way, you’ll make sure your injected post is treated as a “post”.

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Thanks for your suggestion. I will give it a try.


I have the same issue:
Default theme search string overwrites anspress search. I am using “smart mag” theme and the search string looks like one below, which is identical to anspress search string.
this might not be an isolated case, as Michael as highlighted this issue.
@Rahul, do you think it’s possible to make anspress search string different from the default one that themes use?
I consider buying the askbug theme as well but if I can’t use the search, i can’t move forward.

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Okay. Let me think, what can I do here. I will add it to our current roadmap. Thanks for reporting.


Just switched the TwentySixteen and discovered it is a theme conflict. Looking to see if I can get an updated theme files.


I just deactivated all plugins but not AnsPress and still the search results are not filtering when a search word is entered.


Hello Rahul,

So if my search function is not working then I most likely have some sort of plugin/theme conflict?

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Hello Michael,
Have you tried source from GitHub master branch?


Well, for some reason the search feature is not working on my installation. Any ideas why it might not be working?


Hello Michael,

Search is working fine. You can try it on demo: Search.

4.1.5 is not published to because I discovered few bugs yesterday which was fixed but will wait for contributors input. Thanks for your patience.

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search box no working