Users Permissions

9.27K viewsCorepermission user

I have a user structure under the name “Customer” integrated with WooCommerce.

But only users “AnPress Participants” can ask and respoder the plugin. It is possible to change this?


What is you AnsPress version ? and what is current user role ?


AnsPress and users roler is editor.

I will check this and update you soon.

any answer on this? got the same problem! I want my users (subscribers) be able to answer and post questions! all I get now is a “You dont have permission to ask question.” error!

AnsPresss add all default capabilities to WP user roles. I think you have enabled some options in AnsPress permission tab. You can check our source code here:

Hi Rahul, I just noticed that all users created get the Customer role by WooCommerce, so I guess that’s why they can not answer or post questions.. I’m not really a huge developer myself but is it safe to assume that when I pick this line

“$roles = array(‘editor‘, ‘contributor‘, ‘author‘, ‘ap_participant‘, ‘ap_moderator‘, ‘subscriber‘);”

and change that to:

“$roles = array(‘editor‘, ‘contributor‘, ‘author‘, ‘ap_participant‘, ‘ap_moderator‘, ‘subscriber‘, ‘customer’);

it should work right?

Ah… yeah no I just tried that, that doesn’t work! pretty sure my settings are right because I have checked them 10 times now.. it works when I change the role to subscriber, but that’s not what I want! I want the role to remain Customer!

any help would be greatly appreciate it 🙂

Sorry, last comment, I just found a work around! posted in a new answer here so Wagner_willian sees it as well! the key is adding the role in the code, deactivate the plugin and re-activate it. not the best way to make it work, but it works! if you happen to have a small script for this that I can put in my functions.php that would be great!

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