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Hello Friends,
Just wants to inform all of you that I am alive and have been working continuously on upcoming version of AnsPress :D. Tons of bug fixed and did many improvements. For now I will just share some screenshot of user profile. Will share more information and changelog of upcoming version before releasing alpha version.
User profile – Overview

User Profile – Edit profile

Answered question

Great! really expect new version! and thanks.

really great news…..possible release date?

wow it is looking fabulous <3 <3, is it same template in buddypress also ???

Please let me know once it is ready to test.

i am also waiting eagerly, i visit anspress daily 15-20 times..

Oh man…that looks incredible! Can’t wait to try this out….

Please add youtube embedded link function in question and answer from front end …

Seems amazing, I am really anxious for this release ?

Working hard as usual Rahul! Hope you’re doing fine. 😀

Anyone can help me 🙂
I need to know the reputations of the users of my AnsPress Comunity.
I created a competition between the users, The user that more help the others will recevied a book.
I already use the add on Reputations but, I just can see the reputation in the profile of the user, but we have 50k users.
So I really need to generate a list that show all reputations of all users.