Ultimate member integration

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I’ve taken the giant leap of having AnsPress as the feature on HTTPS://www.phenomlab.com

I know this has been discussed and promised a number of times in the past, but I’ve reached the point where I really need AnsPress to work with Ultimate Member (version 2 of this plugin had been released btw). The only real integration I need is similar to that of BuddyPress.

Is there any way this can be bumped up the development queue ?



Hello Mark,

Sorry for delay. Somthing was not good in my life so I was unable to work.

Anyway I’m back and I will add a barebone Addon for UM plugin and you can keep extending it.


Hi Rahul,

I do recall reading a post where you mentioned you were not well. Hopefully, you feel better now ?

Thanks very much for addressing the add on.


commented on answer

Yes, I remember this. Started working on it.