Social Share

Solved7.62K viewsGeneral

This plugin is really well done.
The only thing missing but that is critical to a site in 2016 is the part for the share in the company.
If you are not present on Facebook and Twitter today a site can not be successful.


This has been already asked and answered 2-3 Questions below yours … Why ask again and again.

A huge ammount of Social Sharing plugins are available at

edited answer

I do not like the plugin super socializer


I want to use Mashshare Or the default jetpack

commented on answer

If you don’t like it, don’t use it. Apparently you don’t like any social plugin that works with Anspress. Sorry, i can’t help more on this.



edited answer

Try this:

WordPress Social Share, Social Login and Social Comments Plugin – Super Socializer

Still, some work needs to be done because of multiple instances in both Questions and Answers. Maybe we need to MANUALLY inject the code below the Page Title of a Question.


I’ve tried both to the default jetpack that Mashshare but not seen in the individual questions.

Social Media Share Buttons | MashShare

commented on answer

But i told you already TWO plugins that works excellent and maybe there are others i haven’t found. Why don’t you spend some time to try some of the hundreds available, that suit you ? I don’t get it.