Links on category page are not working – new install

7.11K viewsGeneralcategory

I have a new install of anspress. On the categories page the image and links appear for each category, but the links just go to blank pages.

I installed the Categories for AnsPress plugin but the links still go to blank pages. Since there are no pages for each category I can not install the anspress shortcode, so how can we get the category links to work?



I tested X theme with AnsPress today and found that for category page they are using the_excerpt() instead of the_content().

To overcome this issue simply create a new file in your theme called anspress.php and then copy contents from x\framework\views\integrity\wp-page.php and then replace everything inside while loop with below gist:

Loading Gist...
commented on answer

Thanks Rahul. This appears to be working now with the X theme.



You dont need to install Categories for AnsPress plugin as its depecated and categories are avilable as an iddon in AnsPress. Just go to Wp-Admin->AnsPress->Addons and then enable addon. Make sure to set pages if required.

commented on answer

Yes I’ve done that. I am using the wordpress = XTheme from Apex, and that appears to be the problem as I just tested it with the default twentyseventeen theme and the pages appear.

Is there a fix for the apparent compatibility issue with Xtheme? This is my preferred theme and need to use this.

Yes previously someone reported same issue with X theme. Can you get in touch with me by email [email protected] with our theme so that I can test it my localhost