I want to add a new question to the default page

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I am Japanese. This sentence is written using Google Translate.
I am sorry if there was an obscure part.
I would like to add a new question to the default page.
I saw the following page, but I do not understand it deeply.
And there are things I wonder a couple of questions.
1. Where do I install custom-form.php? Is it in “anspress-master” folder?

anspress () -> get_form ('sample_form') -> generate ();

in which file do you write?
3.override-ask-form.php, sanitize-validate-field.php, save-custom-form.php Three of these are not sure where to install.
I want to add a new question to the default page even if only one thing is done, but I do not understand easily because I translate sentences and read it.
If I do not deepen understanding a little, is it possible to achieve my purpose?

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Although it is forced, after the 38th line of “includes / class-form-hooks.php”
I was able to insert a new field.
I thought that I wanted to display the tag here by pulldown,
Below code

'tag_field' => array(
'label' => __('Tags', 'anspress-question-answer'),
'desc' => __('A sample field for selecting a page.'),
'type' => 'select',
'options' => 'terms',
'posts_args' => array(
'taxonomy' => 'question_tag'

When “type” is set to “select”, the category selection is displayed and displayed, even if ‘taxonomy’ is set to ‘question_tag’, the category will be displayed ….
I gave up this method and thought to display the tag of the addon with a pulldown,
When “Type” is set to “Select”, as usual, category selection is displayed,
The set tag is not displayed.
How can I display add-on tags by pulldown?
Is it not working properly except ‘tags’?

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