[Feature Request] Ajax Search, Related Questions, Leaderboard, social share etc.

Solved9.22K viewsCoreanspress features

Hi, I have been going through the plugin and have some requests to make.

1. Related Questions in the Right Sidebar

2. Daily Weekly & Monthly Leaderboard in Sidebar

3. Social Share buttons below Question

4. Options to Follow other users

5. Ajax based search for questions ( Instant search while typing )

6. Live Notifications – Real time site updates. [ If a topic changes while you are reading or responding to it, or new replies arrive, it will update automatically. As new topics arrive, they also appear at the top of the list. ]

7. Answers by staff, forum admin to be highlighted ( may be with a colored background )

8. Ajax login on the same page without being redirected to another page for login & register.

9. On Single Question page  , Active | Voted | Newest | Oldest should be ajax based. Now when we click on oldest page reloads again. Need to get rid of this.

Sorry, for this long list 🙂

✔ On Single Question page , Active | Voted | Newest | Oldest should be ajax based @done (15-05-14 13:10)


Welcome Deepak,

  1. Widget already exists
  2. Will be available in near future
  3. Will be added in upcoming version
  4. Already under development.
  5. Its already exist, but it disabled due to some bug.
  6. Already under development. But you mush have Nodejs or Push service to use our upcoming realtime update and notifications.
  7. You can do it by simple css.
  8. Will be added in upcoming version.
  9. Will be added in upcoming version.

Cheers. and give us a 5 star here: https://wordpress.org/support/view/plugin-reviews/anspress-question-answer?rate=5#postform

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any news for leaderboard? i think that if people can “compete”, they are more motivated to help.

@Rahul Aryan – regarding item 5 (the live search), could you let me know what the bug is that you experienced and where/how you disabled this functionality? Basically whatever details you have. I want to look into re-enabling this for my install and fixing whatever the issue is. I can share my fix when done (if I can achieve a solution). Thanks.

any news for ajax search?


As for point nr 2 – I do not see any possibility to add this and the has been about the year when that has been promised.


Please, let me know.


As for #6, how can I achieve client side real time updates with the plugin? I know you’d mentioned you needed to have node and push notifications enabled, but I’m curious how to go about doing so.

commented on answer

We tested this function with socketIO and works very well. There are few tutorials on google which shows how to use socketIO with WordPress.

notifications to android, iphones, and laptops would be huge. Idk how to implement though

@Tarrence, I’m looking into how to accomplish this with Node and Socket.io, if I can get something going, I’ll share my findings.



Thanks for requesting these features. All will serve value, no doubt.

Rahul, thank you for the terrific service.

I have written a short review of your your plugin, and given it 5 stars.


Thanks, Daniel. I am sorry that, was not helpful for your previous project. But whenever you need me for ansPress just let me know.