Does Anspress support multisite?

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May I know if Anspress integrate nicely on WordPress and Buddypress multisite setup?


Hi @Rahul @dav @Clarissa_Wu @Benjamin_Meghnagi @ericshiv and everyone else 😉

I’m a bit confused how the multisites works…

Please, is this possible? Example:

I have 3 pages all using AnsPress and…

1st page   – Mother Page
2nd page  – Php Questions
3rd page   – Htm Questions
*The html and php are just examples. I can’t just use categories for our project.)
*Mother Page – main page for creating profile, however, anyone can login on all 3 pages.

…I follow category on 2nd Page…
…I’m currently on 3rd Page…
…and someone post a new question in the category I follow the 2nd Page…

Will I get the notification on all 3 Pages?

What widgets would you recommend for achieving this?

Thanks a lot :))

Please search the google to know more about Wp multisite. In multisite each site acts as a separate site. In multisite you need to create site instead of page.. Activate Anspress in network admin then all active site can use AnsPress. For sharing followers and activity feed between site you need few customization.

Thank you @Rahul… of course I searched for it, but I couldn’t find the answers. … you clarified it, thank you.
Please, can you send me quote for this customisation? I’m happy to pay for it and than we can release it.
Maybe we can share the cost with other guys here… what do you think? Anyone? 🙂


Any News on multisite please?


Thanks @Rahul


Hi ! I have the same question as everyone here, and as the last answer dates back to 6 months ago, is there any news in this field so far ? Thanks for your answer  🙂


For those who have tested multisite, did you have to change anything with permalinks or the URL structure?

For example, ‘Ask’ takes me to “…/questions/ask/” on the main site, but on my other sites it takes me to “…/2015/09/29/hello-world/ask/”. Seems to be creating a new blog post or something along those lines.

Any suggestions on how to fix this?

AnsPress is not tested with Wp multisite. We will do that soon.

nm on this one. fixed it


I tested it, everything is working on main site, but it does not work on all other sites (doesn’t work voting and suscription question).

Yeh may be. AnsPress is not well tested with multisite yet.

This is true for me as well. So far only voting and subscription doesn’t work.


Hi, I am running a multisite with AnsPress and BuddyPress. Currently the VOTING doesn’t work. The thumb up and thumb down buttons are there, I can click them and get a notice, “Thank you for voting.” But the number never changes to 1, 2, or -1. It stays at 0.

We have not tested AnsPress with multisite yet. Will do it after releasing 2.4 version.

+1 I get this also


I tested it, everything was working as far as i know with wp mu

Thanks for letting us know.

Thanks for your answer, well test it out soon.

How did you get subscriptions and voting to work? @Benjamin_Meghnagi


Not tested with multisite yet but yes it works with BP.

When anspress for WordPress Multisite?