comments statistic in profile

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I’m testing the AnsPress and I can’t find the way to add the Comments Statistics to Profiles.
Is it even possible?


Yes you can. Please check the Answer provided here:

Total comment count of a user

Thank you.
Could you tell in what file I should add it?
Or, do you think this can be add to the next update?

Thanks for the reply, Rahul! I really want to integrate comments count into “answers” counters on “Questions” page. Having that in profile is a must have thing too.

What’s your position on making comments first class citizens? Will never happen in AP core, we must code it ourselves? (I also feel like it’d be overall much easier to have comments as wp_posts post_type “ap_comment”)

Totally agree @Dima!
I have few ideas too… so maybe we can brainstorm about it and if there is something we both need we can share the custom development cost :))