something very bizzare

5.00K viewsIssues

So I had a user called admin this was the first user added, then I added another and gave that person admin status, and logged out.

Logged in under the new person and delete admin, now the site is broken, the /questions page does not load…. and nor does the user profile pages…. I was able to enter a question in the admin panel of WP and this question is visible on the home page…..

Not sure 🙁


You deleted site admin?

I think you have to create page again as after deleting user the page created by previous user is gone as well.

I deleted all questions first, then I removed a user called admin with admin rights, but left a user call Richards with also admin rights

Create what page again?

OK I deleted the old site and started again, this issue of course is gone

Sounds like you deleted the user and then accidentally deleted all the pages created by ‘admin’ (all your anspress generated pages)