AnsPress final beta version is here

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Hello Everyone,

Thanks for your patience. I am happy to announce that AnsPress final beta is available to everyone. Please test it and help us find any unnoticed issues remains somewhere. All major feature request will be scheduled for next version.

Download from here:


  1. Added filter to modify tag question query
  2. Added user answers page
  3. Load comments by default
  4. Fixed JS template not loading properly
  5. Prevent question query to use SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS which is relatively slow in big site
  6. Added support for polylang
  7. Fixed short link
  8. Added notification dropdown
  9. Improved user menu
  10. Improved anspress pages, menu and slugs
  11. Improved user menu
  12. User profile as an addon
  13. Added load more button in notification
  14. Improved notification sorting
  15. Added notification count and mark all notification read button
  16. Improved notification ref prefetch
  17. Improved notification query
  18. Improved best answer notification
  19. Improved notification flush on post delete
  20. Delete corresponding notification when a post gets deleted
  21. Notify user on comment
  22. Notification for best answer
  23. Reload reCaptcha after form submission
  24. Fixed: while editing anonymous user’s post author changes
  25. FIXED: wrong classes for columns in tags and categories
  26. Fixed tags pagination
  27. Added recaptcha methods
  28. Added notifications addon
  29. Added base query class
  30. Fixed addons loading
  31. Improved addons functions
  32. Added add-on activation hook
  34. Fixed reputation template file location
  35. Improved category style
  36. Fixed: strpos(): Offset not contained in string
  37. Fixed: x-index of snackbar
  38. Improved category icon
  39. Store reputation in meta for sorting purpose
  40. Removed debug code
  41. Fixed: AP_Roles::remove_roles() should not be called statically
  42. Added improved version of dynamic avatar addon
  43. Fixed: private check box not working in form

Thanks to all participants and contributors.

Rahul Aryan

Great news! I didn’t have time to install beta 3: gonna upgrade directly to 4 on my staging environment and report any issue. If I followed well everybody’s various messages, in order to upgrade to beta, I need to remove all the related plugins (main + category), upload the beta and activate it: is that correct?

Thanks. Yes you are right.

So is AskBug updated to work with this or are you suggesting we use a default theme instead?

Both AnsPress stable and Askbug update will release in same day. Working on it.


Clicking on an anonymous user profile throws a 404 error.

Links toย /community/user/0/

Edit: It works when you enable user profile add-on. (link should be removed?)

Edit2: What happened to the user profile page, reputation and hover cards, they where so beautifull?

edited answer

yesterday my provider update the server to PHP 7.1 and now it is not working anymore

If i go back to 5.6 it is working only that is not the solution for me.
@rahul -> you have the offer for me ?

commented on answer

Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Using $this when not in object context in /home/ietsdoen/domains/
Stack trace:
#………………./wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php(298): AnsPress_Theme::wpseo_title(‘Vragen overzich…’)
#1 ………………./wp-includes/plugin.php(203): WP_Hook->apply_filters(‘Vragen overzich…’, Array)
#2 ………………./wp-ontwikkeling/wp-content/plugins/wordpress-seo-premium/frontend/class-frontend.php(576): apply_filters(‘wpseo_title’, ‘Vragen overzich…’)
#3 ………………./wp-ontwikkeling/wp-content/plugins/wordpress-seo-premium/frontend/class-frontend.php(409): WPSEO_Frontend->generate_title(‘Vragen overzich…’, ‘right’)
#4 ………………./wp-includes/cla in ………………./wp-ontwikkeling/wp-content/plugins/anspress-question-answer/includes/class-theme.php on line 128

updated and it works now, thanks.


Hi Rahul,


Do you have an idea of the update of Askbug?

I really look forward to testing the new Anspress ๐Ÿ™‚

commented on answer

Thanks Thierry. Yes almost done. Improving user profile of AskBug.


Allowed anonymous posting, but it still gives login or register prompt, bug?

commented on answer

Cleared cache and all ok.

– Can you hide the login or register box beneath the form?
– The title in the page gets overridden and it stops the Yoast plugin from working.

NO its not a bug. You can hide it by CSS.


I installed the beta 4 and it’s a great improvement.

Any idea when you will push this live?
Want to use it for an upcomming project.

Could you also add a quick option to the backend for selective loading and deqeueing the anspress css?

commented on answer

It will be published this week. That option already exists.

Ok, thanks.

Can we upgrade from 4.0 beta4 to the final release or schould we just wait a few more days to start using it?

Yes you can use now, but make sure to download from GitHub.

FYI: Using Anspress 4.0 beta4 here

How does the translation of the theme works?
Dutch is not included in the preinstalled lanuages.

Thank you for the great work so far Rahul!

If any translation does not exists then simply download poeditor and import existing anspress pot file and edit.


Unfortunately I see my question no longer so secure him only once.

Is it possible that people fill in the form without account and once they form send an account is created.

I think that this conversion will benefit.


I have a 404 onยย (

  • Rahul Aryan (Staff)1 hour ago Flag

    Please make sure to check permalink structure and also re-add menu items. As menu links has been improved a lot.

    I update everything and cleaned the cache. The problem is stil there.

commented on answer

Go to anspress options and check permalinks structure and hit save

Also make sure AnsPress is active

I have do that many times.

Maybe i make a account for you ? if you gave me a emailadres.

I found something only i have no solution for it: The ur:

You see the word /lid/ if a change it wit /user/ it wil work.

Now I search in the Dutch translation and can not find (lid). Also i check the plugin options and i can not find it. rewrite not.

I hope you have a idea.

Is send you the inlog.

Hello Rik, there was an issue with AnsPress menu items. I just fixed it. please download fixed version from here:

Yes this is working, Great Job ๐Ÿ™‚

@Rahul, he is not sending the question now with the update


Just installed it and… Woow!! This is a huge step forward and it definitely deserves to be called 4.x!! I agree with Cagliostro and Chad: you’re the best!

Gonna dig into it now but first I have to clean the mess with my CSS: I think I tweaked too many things. ^^;

Just one little thing that I noticed though. In AnsPress Options > Tools > Uninstall, it’s written in red: “If you are unsure about this section please do use any of these options below.” I’m pretty sure you mean: “If you are unsure about this section please do NOT use any of these options below.” Right? ^^;

A huge thanks again!

commented on answer

OH, yep that was a silly mistake. Just fixed it. Thanks


WOOOHOOOOO! Rahul, you’re the best! Congrats on V4.0!

commented on answer

Thanks Chad. ๐Ÿ™‚


Rahul you are the best. Thank you for your work. I don’t know what else to say.

I wish you the best of luck in life and in work and health for you and your family.

Anspress is the Best Q & A plugin for WP. Period.

commented on answer

Thanks a lot… for your kind words.