2.3-beta is here, try and let us know

19.48K viewsUpdatesrelease Update

Download AnsPress 2.3-beta from github: 2.3-beta.zip.

Tasks completed:

[x] Add notification (15-06-15 11:41)
[x] Notification helper function (15-06-15 11:41)
[x] Add notification to menu (15-06-15 11:41)
[x] Add notification dropdown (15-06-15 11:41)
[x] Fixed breadcrumbs for user pages (15-06-15 11:41)

[x] The breadcrumb on the base page is duplicating (15-06-15 11:41)
[x] if recaptcha is enabled and keys missing then show warning (15-06-15 11:41)
[x] flush rewrite rule on activation (15-06-15 11:41)
[x] User dropdown menu item (15-06-15 11:41)
[x] Dont show question stats widget if not question page (15-06-15 11:41)
[x] default cover (15-06-15 11:41)
[x] User hover card (15-06-15 11:41)
[x] Added cover upload (15-06-15 11:41)
[x] Add subscribe page for user (15-06-15 11:41)
[x] Sort Unanswered/Unsolved by date (15-06-15 11:41)
[x] Add reputation page for user (15-06-15 11:41)
[x] Fix question sorting (15-06-15 11:41)
[x] Members search page (15-06-15 11:41)
[x] Add users search form (15-06-15 11:41)
[x] question sorting to dropdown (15-06-15 11:41)
[x] Improve user fields (15-06-15 11:41)
[x] Followers widget (15-06-15 11:41)
[x] Add followers and following page (15-06-15 11:41)
[x] Add followers system (15-06-15 11:41)
[x] Add more sorting option for users directory (15-06-15 11:41)
[x] Users page tab UI improvement (15-06-15 11:41)
[x] Avatar upload ajax error (15-06-15 11:41)
[x] User page title (15-06-15 11:41)
[x] Title conflict when wpseo plugin installed (15-06-15 11:41)
[x] Remove base from permalink when ap_page is base (15-06-15 11:41)
[x] Direct user link (15-06-15 11:41)
[x] Auto flush rewrite rule when base page update (15-06-15 11:41)
[x] include current users post in list (15-06-15 11:41)
[x] Show how to answer tab only if page selected (15-06-15 11:41)
[x] Safe CSS attributes (15-06-15 11:41)
[x] Ajax login on the same page without being redirected to another page for login & register. (15-06-15 11:41)
[x] conical and short link in head (15-06-15 11:41)
[x] Add Crayon Syntax Highlighter button (15-06-15 11:41)
[x] Add tinymce Autogrow (15-06-15 11:41)
[x] View counts updated for every page view (15-06-15 11:41)
[x] Strip shortcode from Answer and question (15-06-15 11:41)
[x] While try to edit answer or question format get cleared (15-06-15 11:41)
[x] Switch editors not working (15-06-15 11:41)
[x] Image upload not working (15-06-15 11:41)
[x] Add featured question (sticky post) (15-06-15 11:41)
[x] Improve subscribers system (15-06-15 11:41)

First test: Looking great as usual. I have however some troubles with elements like the graphics in Reputation or Votes section. Nothing is displayed and It is linked to a .js library of my theme. If I use jquery-1.5.0.js or a previous version however I get back the graphical elements but the other elements I needed the library for do not works anymore…

We are using default WP jquery which is 1.11.2 and everything works fine (not tried in chrome yet)

Chrome or Firefox gave similar results. I figured it out however by modifying some personal .js and then remove my jquery-….js importation. It seems that .click(), .addClass(, etc… fonctions are not included in WP default file and adding another version bring conflicts with anspress…

Those are core jquery functions. There must be something wrong … Post if there is any error in console.

First error: Uncaught TypeError: jQuery(…).tooltipster is not a function

(anonymous function) @ ap.min.js?ver=
m.Callbacks.j @ jquery.js?ver=1.11.2:2
m.Callbacks.k.fireWith @ jquery.js?ver=1.11.2:2
m.extend.ready @ jquery.js?ver=1.11.2:2
J @ jquery.js?ver=1.11.2:2

and second: Uncaught TypeError: f.className.indexOf is not a function

g.observe.childList @ wp-emoji-release.min.js?ver=4.2.2:4

Get latest master zip from github.

Dear Rahul, thanks a lot for being so reactive. I had some improvements in acceptation of jquery.js files however I still have the graphical issue with now the following:
Uncaught TypeError: jQuery(…).autogrow is not a function ap.min.js

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