AskBug 3.1.4

Fixed: Removed deprecated functions for anspress page template.

AskBug 3.1.3

Fixed few minor bugs.
– Fixed: user profile editing does not work.
– Improved: Login and signup box.

AnsPress 4.1.2

AnsPress 4.1.2 is released with some exciting features and bug fixes.

We are thinking of improving the email notifications and adding push notifications but we needed an activity feed for that. So we have re-added activity feed which was removed from core because of performance issue. Now you can show activity feeds without sacrificing the site performance. At the moment, the activities given below are shown and more are coming soon.

  1. New question
  2. Edit question
  3. New answer
  4. Edit answer
  5. New comment.
  6. Edit comment.
  7. Post status transitions.
  8. Question featured.
  9. Question closed.
  10. Answer selected.
  11. Answer unselected.

From now on activities will not be stored in the ap_qameta table. In previous version of AnsPress, activity are stored in ap_qameta table as a serialized string and it was hard to search.

A modern and nice looking design was added for activities page. Screenshot of feed can be found below in screenshot section.

A new add-on was added to AnsPress for syntax highlighting. It will add a new button in the visual editor to add inline and block code. This add on uses a popular JS library for highlighting codes, visit project homepage for more information: SyntaxHighlighter.

In previous version of AnsPress we moved comments to the model but due to request from the community we are now showing comments below every posts. Numbers of comments to show can be defined in AnsPress.

Rest of bug fixes and commits can be seen below.

AskBug 3.1.1

Fixed few minor bugs related to page titles.

AnsPress 4.1.1

Fixed bugs which appeared in the previous version of AnsPress. Make sure to flush minify or JS cache after updating to this version.

AskBug 3.1.0

This update contains AnsPress 4.1.0 compatibility. Fixed some minor bugs while using with latest version of AnsPress.

AnsPress 4.1.0

We are very pleased to announce that AnsPress 4.1.0 has been released. We were working on this release for almost two months. Lots of bug fixes and improvements done. Rather than adding a new feature, we focused on improving the old functionality. Few major changes made to the core are are listed below.

Independent WordPress pages for AnsPress page

As you may already know, AnsPress needed a WordPress page (base page) for rendering its content. Due to the complexity in customization, we have decided to use WP page for every AnsPress page.

Improved template hierarchy and question permalink

Since its initial release, AnsPress was using a single page to present all its contents and which was producing many side-effects. Many third party plugins were not working well with the AnsPress. To fix this issue, we have decided to improve our template hierarchy.

Improved comment(s) layout and form. Added anonymous comment posting.

In earlier versions of AnsPress, when there were too many comments, the user had to click the comment button repeatedly. In addition, the new comment form and editing form was not user friendly. In order to improve user experience we have moved comments to new modal interface. We have added PHP based comment form. Earlier it was generated using JS and people had issue overriding it. We added PHP based comment form. Earlier forms were generated using JS. While overriding people had to face problems. Apart from all this, we have significantly improved comment posting permissions.