How can I put the subscribe button on the Categories or Tags page?

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I would like to put the Subscribe button on each of the items on this pageĀ

For example here there are 6 so there would be 6 buttons, and the user can mass-subscribe to them without having to click in.

Or similarily, if they want to mass-unsubscribe from questions they are following they don’t want to follow anymore.

You gave me this

ap_subscribe_btn_html($id, $type);
id = id of term
$type = category, tag or question

but I’m not sure where which file I would modify, and what “id of term” is?


Copy AnsPress categories from theme file


to your child theme anspress directory.

And then add this after line 47:

<?php ap_subscribe_btn_html($category->term_id, 'category'); ?>
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If I understand, it’s possible to be notified about events related to specific categories ? (e.g. a new question asked?)

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