What is base page?

AnsPress “base page” is just a normal WordPress page. It is called “base page” called AnsPress uses this page to render everything. Even all AnsPress links points to this page.

While creating this page make sure that page content have [anspress] shortcode else nothing will show. AnsPress inherits permalink from base page. For example if your base page slug is forum, then AnsPress links will look like this:


  1. Is it possible to have multiple (base) pages so I can use several AndPress based pages in my website?

    1. I don’t think so, unless you edit the code of the plugin.

  2. I am confused about setting the base page, I have tried pages name ‘AnsPress’ and ‘base page’ but when I ask a test question I get a 404. Actually is not really a 404 because on investigation it is going to the Questions page and the questions page is showing 404 Fancy Meeting You Here. [Could be more informative and say could find not Post xx]

    On further investigation, if I click on a question in the Questions Page I get the 404 again.

    Further investigation shows that the question reference id is a Post id and in the database

    | ID | post_author | post_date | post_date_gmt | post_content | post_title | post_excerpt | post_status | comment_status | ping_status | post_password | post_name | to_ping | pinged | post_modified | post_modified_gmt | post_content_filtered | post_parent | guid | menu_order | post_type | post_mime_type | comment_count |
    | 53 | 1 | 2020-05-03 15:18:35 | 2020-05-03 15:18:35 | testing 4 5 6 | The umpteenth question | | publish | open | closed | | the-umpteenth-question | | | 2020-05-03 15:18:35 | 2020-05-03 15:18:35 | | 0 | https://geekgramps.uk/?page_id=35&question=53 | 0 | question | | 0 |

    However in the dashboard Posts page, there is only one, the original “Hello World” post.

    Oh My Brain Hurts

    PS The website is a static site and doesnt use posts

    Thanks for any insights you can provide on this.

  3. Please please tell me how to set up ans with Elementor. I have tried but without Elementor I am using a horrrible wopo store theme and you cannot see all the content. Must I create eatch Elementor page Questions, Answers etc or just create onlt Elementor page with [snsall) or please help me.


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