Where can I contribute language translation?

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I am trying to translate AnsPress into Traditional Chinese of Taiwan, “zh_TW”, is there anywhere I can contribute my translation or work with other translators?


i am working on the “zh-CH” translation. (havent worked on it lately)

frontend user-facing text is 90% done.

admin backend text is about 40% completion.

if you want to use my translation file as starting point, let me know.

here is what i have so far http://howtovan.com/questions/


@Rahul Aryan, do you think it is a good idea to my unfinished translation work to your git repo?

Yes its okay. Feel free to send pull request.

KE: Glad to know you are working on this too, I love this forum system, I have tried bbpress and DW, AnsPress is the best one of them, I just done the front end last night, but have not start the back end yet, that is very thankful if you can send me your work, I will send you my po file too. I think if we can move to a plugin translation platform to work together that will be even better, I know wordpress.org is going to accept plugin translation project in their translation.wordpress.org platform, have we have plan to move there?

ke: by the way this is my temp web address while I am working on the project http://wis.taiwanviptravel.com, I found your website and my is somehow similar purpose, but different location.

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