Where can I contribute language translation?

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I am trying to translate AnsPress into Traditional Chinese of Taiwan, “zh_TW”, is there anywhere I can contribute my translation or work with other translators?


@Rahul, i have created a pull request (first time doing it not sure if i did it right)

I will check. Thanks.

@Rahul, is it possible I can list on github contributor list too?
my github account is “tunghua”

@TU, i put your name as author in the ap-zh_TW.po file =)

thank you, to have name on a github project is kind of cool, if possible.

me too, it would be nice to put my name up for the zh_CH translation too.


TU: nice! maybe you have completed more translation that i have. anyway, i can send you my translation file. whats your email?

thanks very much, I only translate the front end, not the back end yet.

KE, there is one word I can not find anywhere to translate it, wonder if you know how to do it, in profile page, the big word “State”, it is not exist in po file?

@Rahul Aryan, same quesiton, on the profile page, how can we translate the heading “Stats”? couldnt find it.

KE, I worked the whole day today, finally 93% done.

@TU, good job! i will translation some for you. we can have the TW version done soon.

Kenny, I done it.

Kenny, will you be interested to translate Category and Tag extension together?

great job TU! sure. we can work togather. do you want me to set it up in loco and invite you?


i am working on the “zh-CH” translation. (havent worked on it lately)

frontend user-facing text is 90% done.

admin backend text is about 40% completion.

if you want to use my translation file as starting point, let me know.

here is what i have so far http://howtovan.com/questions/


@Rahul Aryan, do you think it is a good idea to my unfinished translation work to your git repo?

Yes its okay. Feel free to send pull request.

KE: Glad to know you are working on this too, I love this forum system, I have tried bbpress and DW, AnsPress is the best one of them, I just done the front end last night, but have not start the back end yet, that is very thankful if you can send me your work, I will send you my po file too. I think if we can move to a plugin translation platform to work together that will be even better, I know wordpress.org is going to accept plugin translation project in their translation.wordpress.org platform, have we have plan to move there?

ke: by the way this is my temp web address while I am working on the project http://wis.taiwanviptravel.com, I found your website and my is somehow similar purpose, but different location.