WeChat login and WeChat payment recoding or redevelopment

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Hello Everyone,


I have two plugins of WeChat and Weibo login and WeChat payment for Woocommerce, and looking for someone who are interested in them to re-coding or redevelpment.

  1. So that it can support Anspress and wordpress Mulitisites.
  2. I will provide the two version of these plugins for you, and you can do what your want at your disposal after you recoding, for example, you can sell or do anything you want. Only condition is that you need send me one copy and try to make them compatible with Anspress:)
  3. If you are glad to integrate them with other social login and Payment plugin, that is fine too.

WeChat is largest payment now, even larger that PayPal and Alipay, well, at least, it is the No.1 in Asian Pacific, also I know it grow so fast and a lot of people in European and US begin to use it, especially for collection payment from the people in China, Hongkang, Japan, Taiwan, and Singapore….when they buy think something internationally.


WHY recoding?

I bought these two premium version from a developer, but this guy is really lazy developer, and it is really hard to ask him for support even there are bugs, and he just want get money, for now, he blocked my email address and refused our email request.

I can understand there will be bugs in any plugin since we are human being not GOD, any plugins need time to debug. but I do not understand so bad working attitude.

Please write email: alexlii at yahoo dot com.


Bug now: One same WeChat and Weibo ID will create multiple User account when users access to the different subsites at different time.

Thanks All.



edited question

Hello Alex,

Is this hosted on wp.org? To get better exposure I recommend posting it on Advance WP group in Facebook.

commented on answer

Hello Rahul,

No, I bought it from lazy developer of China, and there is a fake copy in WP.org.

I am actually not technical background and have no idea on how to do:)

Also, we are blocked to access global resource by China government Firewall, I am not sure whether I could access to those URL, actually I need to use VPN everytime to access your site:) but still I can not access to most of Global websites.

would you like to do it for me, I can upload it to drop box, and sharing url to you, is that right?
