Tag in 4.1.5: Adds all tags if a new tag is added.
Hi Rahul,
I have been testing a new version 4.1.5 and it feels like this plugin is premium quality! Thanks for your work and time.
Issue: If a non existing (new) TAG is added all the existing tags will be added automatically (but it does not show on the front end), the error “Maximum values allowed in field Tags is 5” is displayed. I have tested this on my site and the demo site.
Please let me know than you push a fix.
Best regards
I think this was already fixed a day ago. Please latest from master branch.
Hi, unfortunately it is still an issue. I have uploaded the latest from the master branch. So its a problem when you add a new tag but it works fine with existing tags and if I add an existing tag to the new tag. Tested on the demo site and on my site.

“Hello sir – I’d love to have posted this in your support forum, but something is wrong with your compulsory tag field. If I leave it empty, it demands I add at least one tag, and if I add a tag, it says ‘Maximum values allowed in field Tags is 5.”
This is what I got from someone trying to use my anspress site. And adding a new tag also fails and I think that was better explained above, so I think I have the same issue.

Actually I cant even post any question at all with latest master. I it always tells me maximum 5. If I add a existing or new tag it always the same message.
Thanks, its fixed.
Thanks for your feedback. I will check your issue and commit a fix today. Thanks for reporting.