Solve Error

3.04K viewsIssueserror search-console upvote error

Successfully Operating All Of Functions .
But Facing this issue in the Search console
Details attached and pasted here. .
Could you please check and give me a solution.
For Reference
Thank you
1. I have almost 12k QA and only 4 are being displayed?
2. Search console error is showing these Issues.
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<a href=”“><span>Noman</span></a><a href=”” class=”ap-user-reputation” title=”Reputation”>1.19K</a> <a href=”” class=”ap-posted”>
<time itemprop=”datePublished” datetime=”2022-01-29T16:26:54+00:00″>
Posted January 29, 2022 </time>
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<div class=”ap-answer-content ap-q-content” itemprop=”text” ap-content>
<p>Bad and offensive smells e.g. Cigarettes, raw onions etc.</p>
<div class=”ap-post-updated”><i class=”apicon-clock”></i><span class=”ap-post-history”><a href=”“><span>Noman</span></a> Selected answer as best <a href=”“>January 30, 2022</a></span></div>
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Answered question

It sounds frustrating to have so many QAs but only a few showing up in the search console. Checking your schema markup might help resolve those issues. Just like Retro Bowl, where strategy is key to success, troubleshooting will lead to better results!

Answered question
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