Social Share Plugins – What Works and What not !

9.78K viewsIssues

Recently several people asked here about sharing anspress Questions in social networks.

It seems that no plugin works right with Anspress. The Question SHARE link is ALWAYS the base page of Anspress and not the individual Question.

Not sure how to solve this.

i use the elegant themes sharing plugin

@Tarrence that is a PAID plugin and not free.


it ill be good if u add some social share buttons (whatsapp is must)  for every question and answer in next update 🙂 when can we expect next update?

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Find other third party plugins. This cannot be added to AnsPress.


Looking for one that works with buddypress and good network wide. Shares should be native since there’s points.


Also this plugin seems to work just fine with Anspress Questions:

Social Share by Supsystic


This social share plugin seems to work more-or-less right. A bit limited in graphics selections, still it works:

Social Media Feather | social media sharing

Settings to work:

– Display Sharing Buttons (Checked)

– Share Buttons Position (Before Post or Below, whatever you want/need)

– Share Post Types (Post & Question)

Let me know if it works for you

edited answer

I would like to manually put some php code for social share. I want it to appear before or after the Question Title.

What file must i edit ? Please help Rahul !



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Actually this issue occurs due to AnsPress design. AnsPress reset all loop in shortcode. So in single question page $post is only overridden while processing shortcode and after that loop is being reset. I am trying to find a solution to fix this problem.

Actually after trying around 30 social share plugins, i found TWO that work very well with Anspress (not via shortcode).


It seems that while the URL is correct (of the Question), all sharing plugins miss the proper title. I need to reseacrh a bit more this and i will update asap.

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To solve this widget must be inside AnsPress sidebar.