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A WordPress blog post page of mine, uses 32 queries to render.

My Anspress Question (single) page with 6 answers does 84 queries render.

My Questions listing page (base page) with 10 Questions paging, does 52 queries to render.

Am not a programmer but i’m an expert webmaster. I think this is way too much. And worst of all, i can’t use static page caching to improve that (it would help tremendously) because Anspress is not working with any caching plugin.

What will happen when we have an Anspress site with a lot of Q and A ?

That is with NO PLUGINS at all except Anspress, Anspress Categories and Anspress Email plugins.


3.0 will have better caching. We are going to implement static page caching. And AnsPress will support both wt3 and super cache.

commented on answer

Thanks. I do respect the HUGE work you do and i don’t mean to be disrespectful by any means.