Put the write an answer field before all the answers

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I’d like to put the answer field not below all the answers but above, so that users can answer without having to scroll down all the way, how should I do this ?

PS : I’m not sure that this could be a useful update to anyone, but maybe that’s why I’m putting it in possible updates 😉

selected answer

You can prepare that kind of modification for Your needs Yourself. Look here: https://anspress.io/docs/?topic=customization#post-16185

In this way feature updates will not affect Your code changes.

As for making it mainstream, IMHO there is no need for that. Purpose of Q&A is to find a best answer for Your question. If the best answer is not selected, then user should read answers before his participation. In this way we will avoid content duplication, and unnecessary comments.

selected as best answer

(By the way Thanks Priard, I had answered my post before seeing yours !)


Ok I found it, in question.php 🙂


<?php ap_question_the_answer_form(); ?>
* Output list of answers