Translate “sort” “view” “posted” and “ago”
Hello, I also have the same problem. Quotation “However, in the .po file the words “sort” “view” “posted” and “ago” are not appearing so it can be translated”
Can not find po. file “ago” did not turn up and translation of the text is not correct, it is thus “1 minuuttiuutti ago,” this text should be Finnish “minuuttia sitten” -> eng. minute ago.
i’m using version 3.0.7 and WP 4.6.1
Does this translate some php. a file?
Can anybody help to solve?
Thank you!
i’m still trying to find a solution to translate those strings.
the one called views is on ap-display-meta-item but i can’t find it on the php files.
it’s definitively not included in the .po file. The widget is in the .po file though,
any help will be great 🙂

Hi again Priard and thanks for your continuated support,
I have done as you said, downloaded again the .po file but those strings still are not there to be translated.
As you can see in the picture attached, i translated the string %s asked question %s to %s preguntó %s but if in the .po file you look for the string “posted” you will see that posted is not appearing as a standalone string to be translated, so it still appears in english.
The same situation happens with “sort” which is not included in the translation file.
The word “views” is there to be translated, but it will affect only the stats sidebar widget.
Finally, the same happens with the word “ago” in the question page
Eloi Smith preguntó el 5 días ago
Which makes no sense in spanish, as the correct word should be preguntó “hace 5 días”
So pardon me if this is obvious, but following your steps i’m still been unable to translate this words.
I suspect that those words are just directly inserted in the .php files so i should need to locate them in the core files of the plugin, thing i haven’t been able to do still.
Any help will still be much appreciated,
Hello, Its seems version not matching with po file. Which version of AnsPress you are using?

Hi Rahul 🙂 i’m using version 3.0.7 and WP 4.6.1
Hi Priard!
Thanks for your reply. i already did translate all strings in poEdit before asking this question. However, i’m unable to find those words, they don’t seem to be in the .po file, so maybe they are somewhere else?
Any help will be great, thanks again!
As I said earlier You probably need to update Your .po file, and I mean by that not to translate strings, but a update to whole file. So You can do that by scanning source for any changes and adding missing strings. Ok, I will do that for You.
Upload Your .po file, and place link to it in comment.
You need to update Your .po file from Anspress source code or .pot file. You can do that with app Poedit. Just download Anspress from WordPress plugin directory and unzip it. Then open Poedit, open your lang .po file (/languages/) and use Project ->Update from Sources or Update from .pot file. After that just check if strings that You mentioned are translated, and if not, then do it Yourself. If You done, then save and copy .po and .mo file to Anspress plugin directory located on Your server. Done.

i download anspress from github but the language file is the same (release 3.0.6).
The Project ->Update from Sources or Update from .pot file doesn’t work on Poedit (the program freeze!).
So far i’d been unable to locate where in the php files are those strings. if you find it, please let me know! 🙂