Nobody here seem to get what Answers are for.

Solved3.73K viewsGeneral

The censoring has started. All answers and comments where removed and this question got marked as solved and private without any reason. How nice!

Please do not use answers for comments! Answers are supposed to (attempt to) solve the question, everything else is a comment.

This is what is shows to users on my site. When people try to post a answer, I use a JS tweak to show the “How to Answer” Tab by default to make people read it. This site says just on the tab.

  1. Do not post comment as answer

So people learn how Q&A sites work! Why are you using one if you not understand them? Seriously look at and the sister sites of it like , look at their super strict rules! Everything that is not helpfull, good described, not relevant … gets deleted. And that is what made this sites super popular. You search for something and you see Answers with solutions fast. Thats what Q&A sites are about! I am not saying every small Anspress site need to be exactly like that but if you do not get what Answers are for then you are lost.

Just wanted to point that out, also and btw Anspress needs a “Convert to comment” feature.

Ah and if you do not care about this then do yourself a favor and use bbPress a stable, heavyly used, tested plugin with a huge userbase, and community around. Is makes zero sense at all to use Anspress as forum software because Anspress is is not a forum software, anspress is a Q&A software.


I used some bad words in a comment, this comment could be deleted but instead without providing me with any reason my entire post was censored! Wow! I was just trying to educate people how to use Answers to help keep this site better organized.