“Minutes” strings translation issues


I’m having a very stressful issue translating the ” %s minutes ago” string in Italian language.
I translated all the necessary missing strings of this plugin in Italian using Loco plugin, and in particular this is the MINUTE translation:

Unfortunately, the front end of a question keeps showing a strange “mistranslated” word as follows:

The word seems to be broken with this layer: MINU[tou]TI (also with other languages like french).
I found out a similar issue with french translation, and here the word is broken in the same way:

I also searched into some PHP files and JS scripts without success. Do you have any information about this problem?

Thanks in advance!

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I think this translation is coming from WordPress core. As ap_human_time() uses WordPress human_time_diff() which is responsible for passing the time strings. So, I have no control over this gettext.

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Hi! I have the same issue in French and I’m getting crazy too (it has been there for several versions). I thought it might come for WordPress core too but actually “minute” is showing properly on my BuddyPress feed for example (with “ago” and so on). I’m now to the point that I’m pretty sure it’s AP which is kind of adding something somehow…

Hello Fred,
I am really willing to fix this issue but I am not able to replicate this issue on my localhost. Can you kindly give me access to your Staging server and let me see the actual issue.


This issue is fixed at last. PLease try GitHub version.

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