image required on every question and answer
i’m looking about your answers…..the problem remain the same, how can i add a custom field to anspress editor?
IMPORTANT: I’m looking for a solution that i can use with the FRONT-END anspress editor

thanks for the support Rahul but i can’t understand what i must do…..
anyway, maybe you can add this feature (image required) into a future version of anspress
The only way i can think of is to do this with Advanced Custom Fields. You can create custom fields there, add them to the anspress editor and then set it as required.
Yes, I agree. Simplest solution without getting your hands dirty 🙂

Question 1: can i create what i want using the free ACF version or paid version?
Question 2: this method needs to edit the anspress php file?

Q1: Yes the free version should do the job, pro is not needed
Q2: No you don’t need to edit any php file with this plugin

sorry but i can’t understand the phrase “add them to the anspress editor”, how can i add a custom field to anspress editor?

Please read this article:
Or simple google for more documentation of this plugin, since this is not a support forum for ACF
You can check reCpatcha for simplest way to add custom field to AnsPress.