I want help about rankmath not being able to generate sitemap for CPT

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I want help about rankmath not being able to generate sitemap for custom post type generated by anspress plugin.
Recently I use anspress plugin to create our community Q&A page, however I am not able to automatically generate sitemap with rankmarth, please help me.
If possible I will send you user access.
This is our Q&A page
And here is the sitemap created by rankmath but got a 404 error

Answered question

Rank Math may not be generating sitemaps for your AnsPress custom post types because they might not be set as publicly avatar world queryable. Try enabling them in Rank Math’s Sitemap settings and flush your permalinks by going to Settings → Permalinks and clicking Save Changes. If the issue persists, clear your cache and check for plugin conflicts.

Answered question

I also need assistance with the anspress plugin’s custom post types not being included in the sitemap generated by rankmath. did you find it? foodle

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