I get blank pages when using my custom template

1.87K viewsGeneralblank-page custom theme installation

I have installed the plugin and made sure that all Anspress pages have the shortcode. I created a “Forum” page to use it as a base page and pasted the anspress shortcode too. But when I try to load the forum page, I get the famous blank page.
I activated the WP debug mode but I have nothing in my debug.log file. I also installed the debug bar plugin, and nothing.
I installed the Health Check plugin, same. I removed all unused plugins, and made a troubleshooting to see if there is a conflict with the activated plugins: nothing. The only thing that makes the Anspress plugin work is switching to a default theme.
Can someone help me solve this issue please? I read every post in github and Anspress cummunity, I read the FAQ, the installation guide, but couldn’t find any solution.

Answered question

your template must contain

<?php if ( have_posts() ) while ( have_posts() ) : the_post(); ?>
<?php the_content(); ?>
<?php endwhile; // end of the loop. ?>

and code in editor


Answered question

It’s too bad that nobody answers to users having issues (most of posts have no answer) and the documentation is really incomplete.
It doesn’t give users confidence in using the plugin…

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