how to display logged in user’s reputation points in a widget

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Reputation points shows in my profile page as normal. My home page  displays a widget with the logged in users information. I want to display the reputation points in this widget as well.


Looking at reputation.php

public static function bp_profile_header_meta() {public static function bp_profile_header_meta() {
echo ‘<span class=”ap-user-meta ap-user-meta-reputation”>’ . sprintf( __( ‘%s Reputation’, ‘anspress-question-answer’ ), ap_get_user_reputation_meta( bp_displayed_user_id() ) ) . ‘</span>’;

want to echo ap_get_user_reputation_meta( bp_displayed_user_id() but for bp_loggedin_user_id().

Answered question

bump? is this not possible? to display a logged in users reputation points on homepage?

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me too looking same question, i hope rahul answer..