How do you display categories?

Solved9.50K viewsThemesaskbug category

I have the categories page displayed at

But the links do not work. How do I correct this?

Thank you.

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selected answer

Hello Emmett,

Just removing page argument from shortcode did it. As I said many times to remove page argument from shortcode.

Passing a page argument force shortcode to render a specific page.

commented on answer

OH!!! I just needed [anspress] shortcode.

I didnt understand what you meant by “argument”.

Thanks Kumar. It sounds like I need that short code on all of the assigned pages.


Try to save the permalinks again, first the wordpress permalinks (twice).
(Settings -> Permalinks)

After that, go to the anspress option page and save the permalinks there.
(Anspress -> options -> general tab -> permalinks section).

I’m developing a site with this plugin and the askbug theme, and sometimes while I’m moving between versions I get a 404 error, but after I save the permalinks again the problem is solved.


This is what I have. Should I change something?

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Please remove page argument from shortcode.


Hello Guys,

First make sure categories page exists and it is selected in AnsPress page setting. If you still get 404 make sure to save WordPress permalinks to flush rewrite cache.

commented on answer

Hi Kumar,

Yes, there is a categories page. And it is selected with the following shortcode inserted: [anspress page="categories"]

I added screenshots to the bottom of this thread. Please take a look.



You should not add page=”categories” in shortcode. As current page is already set as categories page in options.
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