How can I let users ask questions anonymously?

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Somebody asked something like this in 2015. But up till now it has not been implemented. It’s better sometimes for users to ask anonymous questions especially ones they might feel embarrassed asking publicly.

Please if you guys can look into it. Thank you for your contribution so far.



This feature is available in AnsPress since version 2.x and now it improved more in 4.1.0-beta release.

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How can admin activate this feature?

i am using it with buddypress users cant see “ask as annonymous” before posting a question. The only option is “only visible to admin and moderator”.

Oh sorry I misunderstood your question. This feature is still not available.

Enabling a logged in user to ask or answer anonymously would be a very cool feature!

Its already there. Please check anspress UAC options.

Hello Rahul,

I don’t think a logged-in user is able to mark him/herself anonymous yet. I tried setting the AnsPress UAC options to enable anonymous, but what these options allow are contributions by non-users.



My bad, I always get this question wrong. It can be added now as AnsPress form API is more powerful and customizable then earlier.


Yeah, I’m definitely in with it. A checkbox for logged in user to be able to ask question anonymously would be a very useful feature. Hope it’ll be done soon.

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Its already there. Just select “anyone (including anonymous)” value for question posting permission in AnsPress ->options -> UAC


Hi Kumar, thanks for your quick response.
Maybe I haven’t clear enough on elaborate the anonymous ask. This is the ideal scenario for anonymous ask :
1. Only logged user could ask anonymous (Non-user isn’t allowed)
2. It’s an optional field

The current version on my Anspress is that when I set at Anspress->Option->UAC to Anyone, include anonymous.

At my frontend ask forms this will happen :
1. For non-user, they could ask the questions
2. For logged-in user, they could also ask the questions. But there are NO anonymous option (or in Anspress represent with Enter your name to display field)

Basically is just like quora anonymous ask feature.
Is it any solutions for this or is it maybe my current themes still not supported yet ?

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This feature is pending for a long time in the AnsPress as I can see this request was posted way back in 2014. Not sure why this feature was never added to AnsPress but will discuss this with @nerdaryan.