AnsPress 4.1.0-beta.1 questions

5.00K viewsGeneralfields reputation Update upgrade

hi, i have questions about AnsPress 4.1.0-beta1


q1) how can i add new fields type into the question/answer form?

q2) if i use this beta into my site, can i update/upgrade AnsPress via dashboard to 4.1 when final version will be available?

q3) can i set the reputation points? (for example the points when a user answers to question)


thanks for the support

edited answer

there is no “Reputation” tab at “Options” (like other versions) or there is no “options” when i select to set “Reputation add-on” as Active

commented on answer

Yes, now I see. It a bug. Will push a fix.

…glad to help you

Thanks. A fix has been made to 4.1.0 branch.



First of all do not use beta version in live site unless you know what you are doing. I am writing documentation on “How to easily add custom fields to AnsPress posts and comments”.

Setting reputation point is available since initial version of AnsPress.
