Feature request: Quick lögn and register

5.24K viewsGeneral

Hi Rahul,

Here is a plugin of Deeper Comments at https://wordpress.org/plugins/deeper-comments/, and there is quick Login and register function, please check the screenshot:

It will be much convenient in various situation, especially in wordpress Multisites, since we always only allow users register on one subsite. and it would be great if similar function could be enabled in Anspress, thanks.

Answered question

Hi Alex,
Your request suits more for a theme rather than a plugin. But in yesterday’s release we added a new feature to AnsPress which allows users to quickly signup to AnsPress.

Posted new comment

Hi Rahul,

Thanks, I checked the latest version, and I found these two english could not be translated, would you please check the screenshot:

Enter your email
An account for you will be created and a confirmation link will be sent to you with the password.

Have you updated your po file using our POT file?