Embed question in posts

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how is that coming along?

what other things are you working on?

Yes I am working on it. Please give us some more time.


This feature has been added to AnsPress RC. Now question can be embedded in posts using this shortcode:

[question id="3301"]


what is “RC” though?

Release Candidate = RC

This would be very cool if we could embed them on other WP sites. Like youtube videos for example. We are setting up Anspress on a sub-domain, and would be nice to embed questions on our main marketing site.

yeah that would be awesome

Wow, awesome!
I think it should include “selected answer” with it, maybe.

Also “view all answers” button made me feel like it’s going to load answers inline, not leave page I was viewing, don’t want to confuse readers.

Will think about it.


Cool feature. Very handy.