Embed question in posts

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how is that coming along?

what other things are you working on?

Yes I am working on it. Please give us some more time.


Cool feature. Very handy.


This feature has been added to AnsPress RC. Now question can be embedded in posts using this shortcode:

[question id="3301"]


what is “RC” though?

Release Candidate = RC

This would be very cool if we could embed them on other WP sites. Like youtube videos for example. We are setting up Anspress on a sub-domain, and would be nice to embed questions on our main marketing site.

yeah that would be awesome

Wow, awesome!
I think it should include “selected answer” with it, maybe.

Also “view all answers” button made me feel like it’s going to load answers inline, not leave page I was viewing, don’t want to confuse readers.

Will think about it.