Change the [Ask a question] buttons and [question]/[answer] activity


Is there a way that we can change the [Ask a question] buttons to something like [Share a link]? I think this plugin might work well as a sort of link share, where people can comment, and not necessarily have a Q&A format. Is there a way to change the terms questions/answers in the plugin as well as the buddypress activity?

I’ve read of a ‘translations’ opportunity as it relates to changing ‘reputation’, but I wouldn’t want the inability to write ‘ask a question’ only to have it translate to something different.



Similar to this, can we change that same button to say “sign up” for users who aren’t logged in?




You can use same translation to change any string of AnsPress. There are so many answers related to your question and its pretty easy.

Simply create .po for your default language using ap.pot and translate AnsPress strings to your own. Use poedit to quickly edit .po files.