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If anyone is willing to translate AnsPress can write their username here with language code.

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current editors:
#es_Es – @jsousa
#nl – @nbijl
#ru – @linuxmaster

there are many missing phrases , and also on new updates there are more .
for example it is not possible to translate “reputation” in this new version.
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these are missed in the code , however you have them in PO files but not covered in the code properly.


Hi how do i download the danish version, i will also translate it, for better use, when its translatet.

You can trsnaslte it from here: After translating there is a export link at the bottom, simply export as .po and .mo and upload to /language folder in AnsPress.

Super ty – How long before the uplode of the new translatien i have done are ready and active in danish version, ( The old version was translatet by “i think its a sweden” some of the old words i have fixed was swedish ) Im finish with the translation – so pz update it – TY

When i try to remake some of the swidish words in the danish version is Write (Error: Identical current or waiting translation already exists) !!!

Hi Rahul Aryan – When do they Update the translation i have made ??

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