Bringing more trust to Anspress-driven websites

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Hi !


So I’ve been thinking about this for a while now, and one thing that really matters to users is to be sure that the content found on the Internet comes from trusted sources. For community-based websites like the ones which run Anspress, this is even more important.

No matter what the content of the answer is, if you cannot be sure you can trust is, what’s the point in the first place ?

To overcome this (big) issue, there are 2 complementary solutions :

  1. Enable users to add the sources for their answer in a separate field. This is the solution chosen by Wikipedia, where users have to write the references of what they say. This is also helpful for noobs who do not necessarily always understand an answer if they don’t have the necessary background knowledge. This field could be added to the Anspress answer submission form to push authors to be more accurate with their answers and also prevent them from writing content that only comes from beliefs of them. -> Facts facts facts !!
  2. Enable users to add their credentials to their answer, to show how they have authority in a specific domain.This is the solution chosen by Quora, where users have to write their credentials :

This shows why they have expertise on their answer. This field could be added to the Anspress answer submission form to show readers how authors have authority / knowledge / expertise over a  specific question. -> Expertise expertise expertise !!

I’m sure by adding these Anspress would be a much more reliable platform  🙂 🙂

What do you think of these ideas ?

Love to all <3



Sorry for late replay but I have good news.

You have posted your request in very right time. If you check our GitHub repo, you may notice that I am improving our form and fields. From upcoming version adding custom fields will be as easy as pie.

You can easily add this type of fields in question or answer:

  • Text, Number, Date, Email, Color, Hidden
  • Textarea
  • TinyMCE
  • Select
  • Terms Select
  • Page Select
  • Radio
  • Checkbox
  • Tags (Tags suggestion)
  • Group of fields (which contain above fields type)
  • Repetitive field (single or multiple fields)

Also validating and sanitizing fields will be lot more easier.

For your purpose, you can use repetitive field for adding sources/credentials to your posts. You may say that, why not add this sources/credentials fields directly to AnsPress core. Its because it may not be used by every site. Hence, to keep core simple I will not add it. Once I release new version I will show you an example how to use AnsPress form to add custom fields for your needs.


commented on answer

I would like to know if Wiris by tynicme would be compatible with anspress for more information see my question

Hello Ridan, Please do not bump on unrelated questions.

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