Avatar images

4.43K viewsWordPress

I’m testing the latest beta version of anspress. And I have a problem. All my website works with https, but when I upload an avatar, this continues with http.
Also, I’m using Amazon S3 and CloudFront to store and serve images, and works well on images uploaded in question, but not for avatar images that remain stored on my server.


Its good that the avatars stay on your server since they will load quicker from there, especially if you cache them. Pulling a hundred or so avatars across the Internuts can slow down page load-speed considerably. When I use SSL I don’t have this problemĀ as I use CloudFlare, which hasĀ HTTPS Protocol Rewriting, and so all my links are rewritten as “//your-domain.tld/etc/”

Thank you, surely you’re right. It really is not a problem that images of avatars stored on the server. But I can not serve avatars with https. I do not know if the problem of beta, I can not try it on localhost.

I tried Cloudflare some time ago, but I was trouble, I could not get it appeared the answer box.