AnsPress 4.0.0-beta.3 is out
Hello Everyone,
Please download and try our latest beta release from here:
Changelog can be seen here:
- Normalize addons path
- Added subscribe button
- Check if user can access post before sending email
- Fixed: PHP Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to undefined function ap_delete_subscriptions
- Fixed: Question border not being highlighted
- Removing codeception tests as PHPUnit test will be written from scratch
- Improved email notification and subscribers
- Added email queues and content table
- Added subscription CRUD
- Fix Categories can’t remove icon or add a new one
- When using BuddyPress Add in the links to answers and reps don’t work.
- Fixed MySql datatype of qameta views and flags to store large numbers
- Fixed: illegal string offset date
- Fixed attachment delete
- Fixed delete uploads
- Renamed author page to user page
- Update term ids
- Improved list layout
- Include missing template files
- Rename base.php and content-list.php to question-list.php and question-list-item.php
- Fixed: non-logged in user seeing moderate answer
- Removed dynamic avatar addon
- Migrate category meta
- Fixed static method warning
- Fixed best answer migrate bug
- Do not show upgrade message to new installs
Please give our project a star on GitHub. Thanks
mcrmohit Answered question
Please let us know what Caching Plugins are supported, if any.
Also how we can enable and test, because until now i failed totally.
Thanks !
Cagliostro edited comment on answer

I don’t really understand why the “caching” has always been such a mystery to Anspress.
Is that so difficult to know if and what caching is supported in Anspress 4 ? And how to activate and test ? What caching plugin and mode is supported and what not.